This was supposed to be a daily blog. It has been 4 days since the last post. Allow me to explain.

After the last post on the first, I had a technical issue seeing it in the list of posts. This was strange to me, I got very frustrated trying to figure out what went wrong, until eventually I gave up and went to bed. I meant to revisit the idea, but instead I merely kept forgetting, explaining the gap in time. Ooops! Today I was able to fix the issue by just. Opening the website in a different browser. Very silly.

It's not like much happened anyway. Friday was not much going on, then saturday and sunday I was under a deluge of work. I'm a barista at a popular coffee chain which will, for the sake of professionalism, remain nameless, but yes it's the one you are thinking of. At this job I more or less only work weekeneds, and even then I only work fairly lean hours. Yesterday, that sunday, I ended up having an 8.5 hr long shift for the first time since I quit a job as a warehouse worker. I survived, and I'm not gonna be a baby about the 8 hour work day, because that is fairly standard in the US. But it was bothersome and tiring.

Enough of my whining though. There's work to be done today. I set up this site as a platform for a professional porfolio, and It's about time I get to it.