Weird day today. Shortly after I made my last blogpost, the chair I was using broke its back legs. I had suspected something was wrong with it for a while given how it never quite sat evenly, but it wasn't til yesterday that the plastic just cleanly snapped off. I had a spare chair in the basement, but it was at a kinda awkward height, so I tried finding a chair to replace it at Goodwill (mainly because the selection at Office Depot was sitting around 200 dollars and I have tickets to pay). Unfortunately, that chair ended up being way, way too tall, so today I had to take both to the dump. Annoying, but doable. At least it gave me an excuse to use a shitty pun as the title for today's post, haha.

After that, I ended up going out to the movies with friends, something I haven't done in a while. I think the AC is broken at my local AMC, because it was terribly hot for no good reason. Maybe they should rebrand to M, haha. Anyway we went to see Deadpool and Wolverine and it was. A movie. It captures a lot about how I feel about the current state of the blockbuster superhero movie, delivered sarcastically and authentically in near equal measure. But the movie was mostly ok. Like, I love any movie whose central premise is "wow, Disney sure is becoming a Cultural Black Hole," but most of Deadpool and Wolverine was ooooooh kay.

That's all really. I guess I added the about me section finally and also puffed out some of the media reccs tab. I'll need to remember to add those as buttons on the blogging part of this site.